Randonnée Forêt Agre Tarn et garonneBalade dans la forêt d'Agre à Montech
©Balade dans la forêt d'Agre à Montech|LezBroz
DiscoveryGrand Sud Tarn-et-GaronneBetween vineyard, Canal and forest

Grand Sud Tarn-et-Garonne

Vines and water

Canal, nautical stopover, national forest, vineyard, unusual heritage… so many treasures that make up the territory of Grand Sud Tarn-et-Garonne.

Located in the south of the department, it is the territory par excellence of the Canal des Deux Mers and the Frontonnais vineyards. In Montech, the port offers visitors a popular stopover between forest, canal and water slope. The water slope of Montech , an exceptional structure, allowed barges to cross a threshold of more than 13m. This system replaced the passage of five locks.

Today, thanks to the Canal des Deux Mers cycle route, cycle tourists have joined boaters.

By approaching Toulouse, the vines of Frontonnais invite you to stroll to discover these wines so unique due to an exceptional grape variety: the Négrette. This Fronton PDO is carried by respectful winegrowers practicing organic farming or sustainable agriculture. This quest for quality has enabled the Fronton Vineyard to obtain the Vignobles et Découvertes label .

Navigate in the enchanting setting of the canal, get off the boat and discover on foot the treasures left by men.

Verdun born from the Garonne

Rising on a green terrace, Verdun-sur-Garonne offers a preserved architectural heritage, witness to a rich past. Located on the outskirts of the Garonne, this old country house keeps the traces of its history with in particular the Clock Tower (14th century) which constitutes the last element of its ancient walls.

The church of Saint-Michel Notre-Dame (16th century) which, despite its bare and austere exterior, surprises with the polychrome paintings of the vault and pillars executed by Abbé Cheval in 1850.

Also worth seeing: its ramparts (14th century), its many half-timbered houses, its pink brick alleys, its astonishing green flow, the alley of plane trees classified since 1815 as a “living” Historical Monument …

A green lung at the gates of Montauban

The forest of Montech or forest of Agre with its 1474 ha is one of the largest wooded areas of the department. This green lung at the gates of Montauban attracts walkers with its many hiking trails. It is not uncommon to come across many wild animals and lovers of mushroom picking. This Montech forest also offers an adventure course in the trees with four levels of difficulty.

Classified in Natura 2000 zone, the forest of Montech oscillates between the oak-charmaie which constitute the main part of the species of the domain. Its fauna is diverse and it sometimes happens to come across wild boars, hares and various small predators (genet, fox, stone marten, polecat). We also note the presence of many protected species, such as the black kite, the booted eagle, the circaete Jean-le-Blanc, the nightjar, the “pitchou” warbler.

The territory of

Grand Sud
