User-friendliness or misspelling
Cultural, Conference, Theatre
in Montauban
Lecture theater by Arnaud Hoedt + Jérôme Piron
"The spectacle of the two Belgians who want to simplify the French language"
Everything is wrong in this sentence. Not to "simplify" but to show critical thinking, to ask ourselves if everything is equal in our spelling. Not two Belgians, but two curious people who want to transmit the work of linguists from all over the French-speaking world. Not even the "French language" but only its spelling. Because the spelling is not the language, it's just the graphic code that allows it to be..."The spectacle of the two Belgians who want to simplify the French language"
Everything is wrong in this sentence. Not to "simplify" but to show critical thinking, to ask ourselves if everything is equal in our spelling. Not two Belgians, but two curious people who want to transmit the work of linguists from all over the French-speaking world. Not even the "French language" but only its spelling. Because the spelling is not the language, it's just the graphic code that allows it to be transcribed.
Finally everything is not wrong in this sentence, it is indeed a show. And funny too! When was the last time you changed your mind?
The Auditorium / Free on reservation / From 15 years old / 50 minutes
Spoken languages